Get More Out of Google Maps: 5 Features You Probably Don't Know About

Google Maps is a popular and powerful mapping and navigation service that offers a wide range of features and functionality. Here are five lesser-known features of Google Maps that you might find useful:

Street View: Google Maps' Street View feature allows you to explore and see detailed, 360-degree panoramic views of streets and locations around the world. You can access Street View by dragging the orange "Pegman" icon onto a location on the map or by searching for a specific address or place.

Incognito mode: Google Maps has an "Incognito" mode that allows you to turn off location tracking and browsing history, which can be useful for privacy or when you don't want your location or search history to be recorded. You can turn on Incognito mode by going to the "Settings" menu and selecting "Incognito mode."

Offline maps: Google Maps allows you to download maps for offline use, which can be helpful when you don't have an internet connection or if you want to save data. To download a map for offline use, search for a location in Google Maps and tap the "Download" button.

AR walking directions: Google Maps has an "AR" (augmented reality) feature that allows you to see walking directions overlaid on the real world using your phone's camera. To use AR walking directions, search for a location in Google Maps and tap the "Start AR" button.

Custom maps: Google Maps allows you to create custom maps by adding your own markers, lines, and shapes to a map. You can use custom maps to plan trips, share locations with friends, or create interactive maps for a website or presentation. To create a custom map, go to "Your Places" in the Google Maps menu and select "Maps."
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